EUR 2015 - EUR Can't Fight It Patter (EUR 2015) Plus Calls Vocal by Dan Nordbye 25.02
Bow to the partner and corner of the hall
Four Ladies Chain across, Heads Pass the Ocean
Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle
Right and Left Thru, Square Thru 4, Trade By
Touch 1/4, Split Circulate, Hinge, Girls Trade
Swing Thru, Boy Run, Bend the Line, Load the Boat
Single Circle to a Wave, Acey Deucey, Boy Run
Ladies Trade, Couple Circulate, Bend the Line
Reverse Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Right and Left Thru
Veer Left, Couples Circulate, Ferris Wheel
Centers Swing Thru, Others Face, Right and Left Grand
Promenade Home
Side Couples, Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4
Follow Your Neighbor and Spread, Ladies Trade
Explode the Wave, Forward (out) and back, Bend the Line
Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Bend the Line, Reverse Flutter
Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers Pass Thru
Veer Left, 1/2 Circulate, Bend the Line, Home
Four Ladies Chain, Heads Pass the Ocean
Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Relay the Deucey
Linear Cycle, Right and Left Thru, Dixie Style to wave
Boys Trade, Left Swing Thru, Girls Run, Bend the Line
Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Double Pass Thru, Track II
Swing Thru, Girls Fold, Peel the Top, Right and Left Thru
Star Thru, Pass to the Center, Star Thru and back away, Home
Sides Square Thru, Right and Left Thru, Veer Left
Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Very Center Boys Trade
Boys Swing Thru, Flip the Diamond, Ladies Trade
Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line, Slide Thru
Right and Left Thru, Veer Left, Couples Circulate
Chain Down the Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate
Couple Circulate, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate
Flip the Diamond, Ladies Trade, Swing Thru
Acey Deucey, Boy Run, Bend the Line, Load the Boat
Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor and Spread
Ladies Trade, All 8 Circulate, Ladies Trade
Recycle, Right and Left Thru, Pass Thru
Trade By, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor
Allemande Left, get Home and Bow to your partner.