logo Hard For The Money
(EUR 91903)
Vocal by Gary Carnes


Four ladies promenade inside around the ring
Get home & swing your man one time I sing
You're gonna join hands, circle to the left go round
Do a left allemande & weave the ring
She works hard for the money
Swing and promenade your honey
She works hard for the money
So you better treat her right


The heads square thru count 'em 4 hands round
With the sides make a right hand star
Well now the heads star left roll it one time to the same pair
Do the right & left thru, you rollaway
Single circle, rare back
Swing that corner lady, promenade her back
'Cuz it's worth it all just to hear them say
That they care


Sides face grand square
She works hard.....oh yeah, so hard don't she honey
So hard for the money so you better treat her right

Left allemande and weave the ring
She works hard for the money, so hard don't she honey
She works hard for the money so you better treat her right


You swing that girl around
She works hard for the money
So you better treat her right

Well Alright!